A bit from me, and Colombian Tetras


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I've been on here for a while now but I just realised no one really knows much about me. So, a quick introduction - I'm Rob from the rainy old UK. Started fish keeping 10 years ago when I was 18 and since then gained quite a bit of experience! Unfortunately as you may have guessed from my sig, been on a break for quite a while (around a year and a half now), basically my fish got old and I didn't bother replacing them as they very gradually died off. Since then I've been planning very hard so that I can get exactly what I want out of my tanks when I do eventually make a comeback - so far it's looking VERY likely to be a strict Amazon blackwater biotope with low lighting, leafy substrate, very few plants, discus, festive cichlids and pristella tetras, and a mixed South American community. Unfortunately, a move to university this september and a certain lack of money means this probably won't happen for years yet, but this gives me the chance to really plan and plan, and doesn't stop me from sharing my experience on here :)

And onto the question - has anyone got any experience with colombian tetras? Every time I see a picture of them I want them more and I'm seeing them increasingly regularly in all 3 of my LFS, I think they're fascinating. Just wondering if they're fin-nippers like some similar tetras can be, and if they'd be ok with the likes of angels in a community tank, and also how big they're likely to grow.

Oh good ole Colmbian Tetras. I have a whole tank dedicated to them. In my they are equal to buenos aris tetras in aggression. They aren't overly aggressive, but they are not whimps. Rougly two to two and a half inches after a year of having them. They are roughly a year and a half old all together. They are not in a species only tank because of aggression, but on poor planning of tanks on my part. They are usually pretty active too. overall for a tetra like a 7 out of ten for me liking them.


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2008
Hi there Rob,

I'm probably sat somewhere close to you right now, I work in central manchester and live near stockport!

Anyway, I have some colombian Tetras in my tank, had them for about 4 months now, not had any problems with them at all. I have a group of five and whilst not neccessarily the tightest group, they are usually good mid level swimmers, fairly timid. They haven't nipped anything else in the tank. They display a nice silvery blue body and red fins.

If I'm honest, not my favourite fish, reasonably pretty but I see them as a dither fish to bring my others out as opposed to a focal point in my tank, I am considerring swapping them for a couple of angels, just considering compatibility in my tank at the moment.

Where do you get your fish from, any good / bad experiences?


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Well I'm from timperley, south manchester (only 10 minutes from stockport, how strange!), so we have our local one, Timperley Aquatics, and a Pets at Home and World of Water. World of Water always have lots of fish and are generally really healthy, they have a good marine section actually, but I find people don't know so much what they're talking about because its a chain. Same for Pets at Home, I've been in once, the fish section isn't particularly well established and some of the tanks were looking a bit worse for ware, but it was at these two I saw the colombian tetrs. Timperley Aquatics can have good and bad patches, but being privately owned there are a lot of experienced people in there who aren't necessarily just looking to sell sell sell. Downside is though, because it's privately owned its prices have rocketted since I last bought there, angels which I used to be able to get for a fiver are now in excess of 15 which is a bit ridiculous for 2 inches of fish!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
ARGH. Ebay just threw at me an 8x2x2foot fish tank. That's like, 906 litres. 200 gallons! Gorgeous cabinet with it and for only £250, about an hour from me. Does come with 5 red bellied pirahnas and a pleco but I'd give the pirahnas to my LFS. WHY do I have to be going to university! It's perfect, but I've been told a definate NO from the mother who refuses to look after my fish while I go to uni.

Whywhywhywhyyyyy! Haha, worst case of wanting in a long time. I suppose that's what happens when you see perfection :|


Medium Fish
Jan 18, 2009
Euless, TX
Hi misterking- just thought I'd share my experience.
I have 4 colombian tetras and 1 angelfish together successfully. The tetras keep the chasing to themselves, and if anything THEY are intimidated by the angelfish. The angel and the tetras hang out in separate areas of the tank, and even when they cross into each other's territories (like during feeding) no one gets upset about it. I was worried about them getting along because I got the tetras first. I thought maybe they would try to make the entire tank their territory. When I introduced the angelfish, the tetras were very timid. Everyone picked a spot to hang out in, and all has been well since!
I kind of found them by accident when I was shopping for fish to stock my tank with. I enjoy them. As said above, they don't school tightly, but mine play an amusing game of follow the leader. I would actually like to add a few more to my group, but I might be pushing my stocking limits past what I want right now.
I know sometimes people get lucky, but I think that with a good size group and a good size tank it is certainly do-able. I hope I’ve helped you out a bit! *SUNSMILE*