I've been on here for a while now but I just realised no one really knows much about me. So, a quick introduction - I'm Rob from the rainy old UK. Started fish keeping 10 years ago when I was 18 and since then gained quite a bit of experience! Unfortunately as you may have guessed from my sig, been on a break for quite a while (around a year and a half now), basically my fish got old and I didn't bother replacing them as they very gradually died off. Since then I've been planning very hard so that I can get exactly what I want out of my tanks when I do eventually make a comeback - so far it's looking VERY likely to be a strict Amazon blackwater biotope with low lighting, leafy substrate, very few plants, discus, festive cichlids and pristella tetras, and a mixed South American community. Unfortunately, a move to university this september and a certain lack of money means this probably won't happen for years yet, but this gives me the chance to really plan and plan, and doesn't stop me from sharing my experience on here
And onto the question - has anyone got any experience with colombian tetras? Every time I see a picture of them I want them more and I'm seeing them increasingly regularly in all 3 of my LFS, I think they're fascinating. Just wondering if they're fin-nippers like some similar tetras can be, and if they'd be ok with the likes of angels in a community tank, and also how big they're likely to grow.
And onto the question - has anyone got any experience with colombian tetras? Every time I see a picture of them I want them more and I'm seeing them increasingly regularly in all 3 of my LFS, I think they're fascinating. Just wondering if they're fin-nippers like some similar tetras can be, and if they'd be ok with the likes of angels in a community tank, and also how big they're likely to grow.