A circulation pump ??


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I have these two circulation pumps in my tank, one on either end and all they do is circulate the water in the tank. I have these two pumps pluged into a power serge protector as is everything else in my tank. My question is this: Our power for some reason has been going off a bit lately, the good thing is that it has been while we were at home. When the power goes off you have to reset the power serge protector to get everything back up and running. Would it be alright to unplug these to pumps fromm the PSP and go straight to the wall with them, that way when the power comes back on, the pumps start working? I most likely know the answer to this question lol, but lets say the power goes off at 8am and I don't get home till 5pm would my tank be alright for that amount of time without any circulation in it