I have been, for the last two days, going thru Lotus sticky on online coral vendors, just looking at the differant kinds and varieties. I have found that ( other than some being real expensive ) some come attched to a small piece of LR which I guess you use an exposy to attach to a bigger piece of LR in your tank. Some I have found come attched to, I will guess, a ceramic flat disc of some sort with a several polyps attched. Do you also attch this flat disc to the LR the same way? I have also seen some mounted to something like a mushroom disc and I am guessing that you remove the ones from the mushroom disc and place on a LR in your tank, I dont see haveing a mushroom disc looking thing in your tank. I have You Tubed sw reef fish tanks just looking at what other people have done with their tanks, getting ideas for my tank, things I like and don't like. Seems to me its pretty easy to go over board with these corals, some tanks you can't even see the pretty LR because it completely covered with the corals and it makes looking at the fish hard to see because of all the colorful colors in the backround behind the fish. I guess its all in what a person likes. One more thing, I found this site a few weeks ago, and when I start looking at stuff I might want to buy online, I keep coming back to this site when it comes to pricing. I just want to know if anyone has bought from this company, I am sure they have, I just want to know if they are reputable company. Aquatic Connedtion