A Coral question


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I have been, for the last two days, going thru Lotus sticky on online coral vendors, just looking at the differant kinds and varieties. I have found that ( other than some being real expensive ) some come attched to a small piece of LR which I guess you use an exposy to attach to a bigger piece of LR in your tank. Some I have found come attched to, I will guess, a ceramic flat disc of some sort with a several polyps attched. Do you also attch this flat disc to the LR the same way? I have also seen some mounted to something like a mushroom disc and I am guessing that you remove the ones from the mushroom disc and place on a LR in your tank, I dont see haveing a mushroom disc looking thing in your tank. I have You Tubed sw reef fish tanks just looking at what other people have done with their tanks, getting ideas for my tank, things I like and don't like. Seems to me its pretty easy to go over board with these corals, some tanks you can't even see the pretty LR because it completely covered with the corals and it makes looking at the fish hard to see because of all the colorful colors in the backround behind the fish. I guess its all in what a person likes. One more thing, I found this site a few weeks ago, and when I start looking at stuff I might want to buy online, I keep coming back to this site when it comes to pricing. I just want to know if anyone has bought from this company, I am sure they have, I just want to know if they are reputable company. Aquatic Connedtion


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
If you buy corals from an LFS they are usually on a piece of rock. Occasionally they'll be on a cement plug. Either way I just set them on the reef somewhere. I don't glue them down. You can leave them on the plug or remove the polyps and glue them somewhere else. I use superglue gel for that.

For my reef I built it in the middle of the tank with equal room front and back and lots of swim throughs. I like to see my fish in front and behind the reef swimming through the various holes. A lot of tanks I've seen stack all the rock against the back wall of the tank. I don't like that look.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Usually, the coral will grow over the disc/plug within a few months, which does hide it. You can stick those onto the live rock, or put it in a crevice (if it has the plug on it).

I've read nothing but bad things about Aquatic Connection (often called Aqua Con). There are plenty of complaints online about them. One thing to note is that while they say shipping is free, they charge a $29.99 box fee.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The reason I was asking about Aquatic Connection, my LFS guy told me he really can't get Tonga Branch, he told me that when the shipments come in out west, they are scooped up by dealers out there, and I really wanted to get a nice piece for my tank, A. connection shows a nice piece on their web site. If I have to pay top $ for it so be it, if anyone knows where or how I can order a piece, please let me know. There has to be a reputable dealer on line some where.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Might want to look into aqua cultured live rock. It might not look as cool, but It's definitely better for the environment.

What I like to do is put the coral frag on a rock until it starts to grow on that rock. Then I move it to start another colony. If I don't want it to spread, like GSP, Xenia, I stick it in the sand.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Strout bide your time and check on ebay and craigslist also reef forums for local clubs usually someone somewhere is breaking down a tank and you may be able to pick a piece of tonga branch from them...someone also my have some that is dead and as you are just using it for esthetics rather than the whole of your aquascape you could easily place a dead piece in and have it seed from your other live rock


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Theres a guy I have met that buys alot of used tanks in my area, ( sort of, he lives about an hour and a half from me) He buys whole systems and resales them or parts them out. he is going to keep an eye out for me and let me know when he gets a really nice piece.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Thats a great idea Joe Fish !!! I never thought of that, just set the frag down and then move it after it starts growing onto the LR.