those are beautiful fish! Ive been to your web site in the past, its great also! And the fish there are beuatiful too, You do a great job! Are these fish here going to stay small or will they grow large?
The venustus is one of the larger haps and can reach about 8-10". The Aulonocara will get around 5-6". And in the aquarium, demasoni can reach about 5".
And yes, they are demasoni. Theyre just very tiny and are still developing their shape and color. I bred them in my tank. Heres a pic of the dominant male...
And the jacob. Lemon jakes that I had werent more aggressive than the other Aulonocara that I have, but I have heard that they can be.
Yeah demasonis are right - they are named after Lief Demason
Verse I like your site. you have nice pics and very nice fish. I have not kept a quarter of what you have. I was suprised that MFT is not on your Fish Forum links.
I havent had a chance to put MFT on the links, but Ill put it up. I just did an update a few days ago, but only a few pics. Other than that, its been several weeks since Ive done anything...just been too busy.