A couple of things...


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2010
Bournemouth, United Kingdom

Just a couple of things....

1) I have sand (which the pet shop gave me) in my tank and didn't realise that fish poo would be soooo visable! Cleaning it is a nightmare as when syphoning, I end up sucking it up. Should I take it out and add gravel, and if so, how do I go about changing it? Or just keep it?

2) I bought three Mollies ( 1 black, 1 White and a dalmation), the black seems a bit fat but I'm not sure if she is pregnant or even if she is a she! I know they say "boxy" but what does this mean? Would the pet shop sell different sexes in the same tank and how can I tell guys and gals?

Thank you so much for your help!

x x x x


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Yes, most fish stores sell all livebearers (regardless of gender) in the same tank. Unless it's guppies. For some reason all the fish stores and big box stores sell guppies separately. Odd.

Anyway, I have sand in three of my tanks and LOVE it. OrangeCones is right. Just use a less powerful siphon/gravel vac and don't get down into the sand like you would with gravel. Debris doesn't sink into the sand like it does with gravel, so there's no need to go digging around in the sand with your gravel vac. Also, it almost sounds like your sand wasn't washed very well. I have play sand (notoriously a booger to clean) and ha dto wash it FOREVER before the cloudiness was gone and I could put it in the tank. Now when I clean my sand, I don't get any dust billowing up and since all the particles that were left after the cleaning were heavier, they don't try to come up the gravel vac, either.