A cycling question


Small Fish
Aug 3, 2008
I have a 28 gallon tank (A jbl nano-cube) with 2 powerheads and the stock filter. It has been set up since Aug 6 08, and I test the water daily watching the cycle. I do frequent 25% to 40% water changes based on the readings.

4 days ago my "nitrite spike" began, with never a trace of ammonia any longer, followed within a day by the presence of nitrate.

Every day for the last 4 my nitrite is at 5, and I do a 10 gallon water change.

The tanks has 4 guppies, 2 gold gouramis, 2 small angels, 2 corys, 2 glass cats, 4 red eye tetra, 1 red wag tail platy & 3 small algae eaters. All plants are artificial, and the substrate is standard gravel (25 pounds)

How many more days until the Nitrite spike ends, and I can stop my daily water change?

All fish doing wonderfully, and my water looks great.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Jun 21, 2008
I was thinking that too about the overstocking. You're probably ok for now, but do you have plans to upgrade at any point in the future? Just curious, as some of your fish have the potential to get big. The gold gouramis and the angel can top out at 6", and those 4 alone would almost much overstock your tank. As far as cycling, my nitrite spike lasted almost 4 weeks, but that seems to be a bit longer than usual, and I have less than desirable tap water parameters, (it has almost 2.0 ammonia in it), so hopefully yours will be shorter.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
def overstocked for a fish-in cycle and also seems like not enough gravel for a 25 gallon.. I forget how much gravel you need per gallon but its at least 2 pounds right?


Small Fish
Aug 3, 2008
I will be adding another tank in about a month. The gold gouramis will be leaving this tank at that time.

These fish (excluding gouramis) are all small, so at this point I am OK.

Thanks to all for the prompt replies.


Small Fish
Aug 3, 2008
Moving Well

The last 2 days the nitrites are steady @ 1, and today the nitrate shot up to 10.

I am doing some daily water changes, varies between 6 & 10 gallons, and the water is crystal clear, all inhabitants doing well, but I lost one angel yesterday.*thumbsups


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
No plecs- they get tooooo big. 3 chinese algae eaters.

Am I correct in my assumption that they are what you are calling plecs?
oh okay you're right then. So if you know what you're asking, why bother posting....

and I think you added too many fish too soon imo, but daily water changes usually arent needed after 4 weeks or so... I don't know why you loaded it so heavily so maybe you will need to do water changes more frequently more often

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