A.D.F in trouble????? please help

My african dwarf frog (one of two) have been doing good in my tank and have been in there for at least 4-6 months. In the last few weeks it looked like one was shedding skin.

Well, today, the skin is really shedding (if that's what is happening and it's not some disease) and she is floating upsidedown arms and legs stretched. She's not dead, but when I use my turkey baster to gently move her she doesn't move much.

Is this a natural thing? or is she sick?


now the frog is upsidedown at the bottom and looks pretty white, but then again, I've never seen that side of the frog with the light shining on it.

I thought it was dead, and touched it's hand and it didn't move, and then touched it some more and did move its hands once.

I'm thinking it's more than just skin shedding.

The only different thing I've done was put that iron supplement for plants and put in how much it said, that was last week.

The other frog seems fine though.