Ok, my tank was cycled by the 3 serpae tetras that I had for a few weeks. It was time to get some new fish, so I went yesterday and bought 2 neon tetras and 2 cardinal tetras. Well, everything went fine yesterday, but today I woke up and saw one of the cardinals swimming (he actually was swimming) at the top, when theyd spent all their time at the bottom before.
Well, a few minutes later.. he wasnt swimming anymore I put the net in to fish him out, and he started swimming again! Then, he fell over again like dead. He did this for a few minutes before i figured he must be dying, so i took him out and put him in a plastic container with some of the water, where he promptly died.
Then, I realized that the other cardinal was just gone! I cant find him anywhere-ive checked under all the rocks and all the hiding places, and hes just completely awol
should i be suspecting the serpaes? I thought tetras were fine with other tetras? they arent really so big that they could eat the guy whole i dont think... it's a mystery
Well, a few minutes later.. he wasnt swimming anymore I put the net in to fish him out, and he started swimming again! Then, he fell over again like dead. He did this for a few minutes before i figured he must be dying, so i took him out and put him in a plastic container with some of the water, where he promptly died.
Then, I realized that the other cardinal was just gone! I cant find him anywhere-ive checked under all the rocks and all the hiding places, and hes just completely awol
should i be suspecting the serpaes? I thought tetras were fine with other tetras? they arent really so big that they could eat the guy whole i dont think... it's a mystery