a few highlights from my new setup


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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I finally found the time to set up my 75. After waiting hours upon hours for about fifty gallons of RO/DI water, I filled the tank and transfered my live rock from my 29. That was last night when things were simple. Today when I got off work all of the corals were looking better than they had in months, and my Sebae was the fattest I'd ever seen it.
Then I decided to put the 29 in my stand. It wouldn't fit! I sat there in disbelief, cursed, and considered my options. The only tank that could wiggle in there would have been a 10, but in my opinion that wouldn't have been worth the trouble. So I went with plan B, where I ran to Home Depot and dropped $40 on a 44 gallon Brute trashcan. I drained about thirty gallons into the can and dropped all of my live rock in. Next, the remaining tank water was pumped out my back door. Before I tell you what happened next, I have a disclaimer:
A Brute is not meant to hold a 75 gallon aquarium. Don't try it at home.
So on with my fiasco. The was a bit of water left in the bottom of the aquarium, so it was a struggle to lift it off its stand. In order to get the 29 in my stand, I had to remove a slat of wood that didn't appear to be bearing much weight, but I'm not engineer ;)
The rest of the retransfer went well and the trash can held the water plus my tank, so things were good. There was constant plugging and unplugging with wet hands and no shocks or fires. The only problems I see are with my urchin and my salt mix. The urchin didn't seem to enjoy the shuffling because he's beginning to lose spines, and my salt mix bucket seems to be empty.
It's been a crazy day, and I conclude that transferring an existing system is a major PITA. I'd love to say never again, but I know that's not true.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
wow at first I thought you were putting water in the trash can to hold it so you could move the 29 and then realized the 75 was on it with the water.. damn that could have been bad but Im glad to see it worked out for ya with no further problems.

and you know its only a matter of a time before you want that 150 :D


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
So, you've learned an important lesson about using measuring tape *FIRST*? Did the lawn appreciate 40g of RO/DI SW?

Glad to hear that all (eventually) went well, though.


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
Visit site
Yeah I pumped the water onto the part of the lawn with the least amount of grass. It rained last night and is raining right now, so I don't think any harm was done ;)
My urchin was the only casualty, quite a shame.
I realized while trying to hook up the tubing to the bulkheads that a 29 is waaaay too tall. After all that work, it looks like a 20L will be my best option.
I'm going to go find a therapist because I'll have to redrain the tank again and rebreak my stand just to get the 29 out :mad: *laughingc :mad:


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Its too tall to work with right? How tall is your stand?

All I can say is that it will be all worth it once its setup but in the meantime remember to not do something like take a bat to the tank :D