khyle- yes frontosas are amazing fish..... the burundi is more of a lower class really still a great fish! but the real guys are the zaire frontosas, those go about 20-35$/fish at 1.5" while frontosas go $8-$15/fish at 1.5" ..... i currently have a total 6 the guy you see in the pic which is about 6" now i bought him in a Reverse Trio to start the adult group but got rid of the second male and the female passed away about a month ago sadly
currently i have a Adult Quad in my 125 gallon, a juvenile about 2" and a 3"-3.5" Young Adult who is in one of my 55 Gallons with Copadichromis and Aulonocaras.... he had to be removed due to aggression from the Alpha Male, these fish are hard to sex IMO there is a saying that the hump on their head distingusihes the sex but thats not always true, so the one thats removed i base as a Male also due to the aggression i got from the other one, you will be surprised how fast a big frontosa can actually swim for the mellow/slow behavior they got..... and with a 29G there isnt much you can do besides maybe get a small group to start growing while moving them to bigger tanks as the size gets larger, they are best kept in groups as well, 1 frontosa would be a lonley fish, Growing wise... they are fast in their first year but after that it takes FOREVER to get some size to them lol like most Lake Tangs...real slow.
Orion- hehe ive been wanting some for awhile but i cant put no juvies with my frontosas
i wouldnt have many left after the first day, plus id like some Wild Caught so im grabbing these just cant wait.... it was between the White and Black Zambia so i picked the Whites, I'm getting these more for show while most of my Lake Malawi i have for breeding, I just really got it set in my head to make the 125G a lake tang setup and they will complete it, might even get some lelupis or julies down the road. I still got some researching to do about the Lake tang and the species besides frontosas, ive been heavy into Lake Malawi and frontosas till now....trying to grow into the lake tang
And Thanks Everyone for the kind remarks!
I found a few more older pics i'll post as well