Ayup Looks like I got me a pair..... the Female has been flirting with the big boy ....I will get some pics as soon I remember where I put my cam ....... Just love my Kribs....
Great!!! they will colour up even more soon just when there about to spawn... sometimes they may so called 'vibrate' to each other that means they are ready to spawn, good luck! *thumbsups
Hi anton welcome to the tank!,
Hmmm, some pics would be good, usually they only spawn after their fry are fully grown and are old enough to take care of themselves, can you imaging having a batch of fry every month lol youre tank would be bursting !!!!!
dude chill! lol you cant wait 10 mins and expect an answer, right... you can use www.imageshack.us to host pics, one you have hosted a pic copy and paste the 'forum hotlink 1' stuff then put it on here and it should come up with the piccys lol sorry cinlnk, this thread has now changed from about you to someone else lol, maybe anton should start a new thread on the cichlid discussion later?