A few questions



Okay, I think these questions that me and a friend compiled are a bit... err... dumb, but we need to know! Lol...

1. Friend needs to know if she has a 10 gal, but a 100 gal filter... What does that really do? I wasn't sure but I think it might cause an unecessarily fast current in the tank and keep it to clean, maybe???

2. Green, Pink, and Yellow GloFish together in a tank... Can two different colors breed? And if so would their fry be one of the parents colors or mix?

3. Some jerk sold me a beautiful FEMALE betta, or so I thought. It looked identical to the other females, but it soon flared at our new guppies as well. o_O; At first I was like "OOH NO. Our betta is gender-confused!" lol, but yeah, its a male obviously so its alone and with a bubble nest. But onto the question, can a female betta be kept with a gourami? I know a male can't but yeah...

4.Would anyone be interested in muttguppies? LOL. We have a fancy guppy tank that literally takes care of itself, minus feeding it once a day and adding water when it gets low. Seriously, all we have a snails no bigger and a few centimeters that I got from school, and like.... 89 fancy guppies. It's been taking care of itself for years now. But I figure why not make a profit finally? I added in a phantom delta male, and pastel half-back to enrich the gene pool some, getting tired of the same-old fire tails with snakeskin patterns. -winkwink-

5. Last question. We have two HUGE female gups, they are about TWO and a half years or so now, and still popping babies! But out of all their fry there seem to never be females, out of their past batches their are mainly males. Could they possibly be killing these baby fems??? I don't understand it, but these females are huge, seriously. One is about three inches long, the other is getting there! And their always prego because of all the males. I know they must be stressed, but its been like this for about... a year? We're trying to find a place that sells suitable fish to get some females, but A. we're pretty broke being jobless 15-yr-olds and all the online stores call for mucho-bucks and B. the cheap stores are infested with every fish disease known to poor fish!

Please and thanks for answers. Lol.


Large Fish
Feb 22, 2006
San Antonio, TX
1.I had a 10gal. tank before with a 30 gal filter and the current was very stong I don't even want to think what a 100gal filter would do.:eek:
3. I think a gouromi and a betta would get along but i'm not entirerly sure.
sorry if i can't help you with the other questions o and good luck finding a goog cheap fish store!:)

May 1, 2007
Your "female" betta sounds like a male. Usually only males are that aggresive and build bubble nest. (I have breed bettas in the past). It sounds like you have a Plakat male betta. Those are my favorite. They have the wild fin type which is those short finns. These are not naturally long finned fish. The only fish that I can think of that has natually long finns are sail fin mollies. There fins are not even that big though (on wild ones). Just the dorsal fin is a little extra higher on the males. I like plakat bettas becuase they are more active do to they don't have those giant finns weighting them down 24/7. I can only imagine how hard it must be for those poor long finned bettas to be lugging around fins bigger than there body 24/7. For that reason I also do not like ribbon guppies either. Consider yourself lucky on getting a plakat betta.


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
southern Texas
2. no glo fish cant breed they were made sterile so that way its easier not to make illegal hybrids.
5. well the ph and temp of a tank are known to effect sexs keep it at 78 deg. and ph 7.0 for mixed sexs.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
1. A 100 gal filter on a 10g would probably produce too strong of suction and current to keep fish in the tank.

2. No, glofish aren't sterile. I am currently trying to spawn my yellow and pink glofish together to see what they produce, if anything. I'll make a post with my progress. I have seen baby glofish for sale at fish auctions, so it's a sure thing they're not sterile.

3. As a general rule, male bettas and male gouramis should not be kept in the same tank. Sometimes you can get away with a female in a community tank setting, but some female bettas are just too aggressive, it depends on the fish.

4. I've made posts elsewhere about guppy breeding, and the answer is usually "no." The only guppies you'll make any money on are the show guppies, and you can't get those unless you purchase a pair of show guppies from a breeder. I have sold muttguppies at fish auctions for a low price, so you could check into that. Most end up in pet stores where the crazy public buys them and promptly kills them in uncycled fish tanks. Don't breed guppies if you don't have anything to do with the babies, it's cruel.

5. The females are reaching their life span. Guppies usually live for 2-3 years, so those are likely near the end. By having all males, it may be natures way of cutting back on the population in the fish tank. It sounds like it's probably massively overcrowded and by producing only males, the guppies are limiting their population to a sustainable level. This is why I advocate only buying one sex of livebearer.