A Few Quick Questions?

Feb 7, 2008
Hi guys, Im working on getting my 55g tank up and running for the first time in years. Last time it wasn't cleaned that great and once my fish all died it was months before I got around to cleaning out the tank at all. There is a residue around the top where the water evaporated. Not even a razor blade will clean it off. Its not too bad. If anything just gives it a cloudy look. I was thinking once I fill the tank and the water is on it, it will eventually come off...What do you think?

Im going out tonight to get a heater, some 100% amonia, a water test kit and a siphon. Am I missing anything?

I was thinking of filling the tank before I got the sand. Is this a bad idea? The place that sells the sand is not open on the weekends. I was going to grab it before work on Monday. I wanted to get black sand but already have black gravel. Maybe Ill just rinse that off and use it for now?

Finally, I was looking at my filter. I have an AQUASTOP System, is that a good filter of should I look into getting a new one?

Ill post pics soon

Thanks, Nick

Feb 7, 2008
i hadn't really thought about it? I still don't know much about this stuff. I was planning on asking which is best at the store tonight...Ill def check that one out though. thanks


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Your best option for test kits is one of the ones using drops and not the strips that you dip in the water. The API master test kit seems to be a pretty popular one but there are a few different ones.

Cleaning out the tank you can try to use some vinegar to help clean the tank up just rinse it off (without soap of course) once your done.

Feb 7, 2008
thanks, Ill try that, what about adding the water before the sand? Or should I just wait until I get the sand. I just wanted to start cycling sooner so I can get some fish in there...thanks again


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I would say its probably just best to wait for the sand. The cycle actually helps develop beneficial bacteria to get rid of ammonia and nitrites, but the majority of this bacteria resides in your substrate. I don't think that filling it with water and having no substrate in there will help too much but maybe somebody else will pop in here and either agree with me or prove me wrong :D

Feb 7, 2008
I decided to just save the $22 on the two bags of Black Beauty sand and use my old black gravel. I have a million other things going on in my life right now and I know this is going to cost more than I originally thought for all the other stuff. I will change it out eventually. I also want to limit my spending on this because I want to see how interested I am in this a month from now.

I just filled the tank up, and im applying the vinyl for the background. It's a little non-traditional, hope you guys like it. Ill post pics up really soon.



Superstar Fish
Nov 21, 2007
Ft. Campbell, Ky
Well, I was going to agree with everyone about adding the sand, before the water...but I guess thats not a problem now. I also agree with getting the API Master test kit, or something similar. Just make sure you dont pick up a marine, or reef test kit, they all look the same. (Or am I the only one who did this?!)

Other than that post up some pictures, and let us see how its going!

What is your tank size, and stocking plans?