A goldfish's swollen bum...


Small Fish
Aug 1, 2009
Beautiful Tank the ryukin is, I'm pretty sure, a male. He has the white spawning spots on his gills. With Charlie the black moor - I'm not sure what gender 'he' is. They're both about the same size but Charlie is younger. Today I noticed that Tank was chasing Charlie all around the tank and constantly nipping at his anus which is now swollen-looking. Is this some kind of mating thing or could Charlie be sick? Or was he hungry?... Tank and Charlie have been buddies for a long time and haven't shown any aggression towards each other. My goldies have been having long poo for a while and I feed them peas and Hikari Gold (I soak both). I'm still trying to figure out what is wrong with them (their fins get torn like fin rot and I have been treating with Pimafix which helps). This might have something to do with. What should I do?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
sounds like breeding behavior...has you aquarium experienced a raise in temperature?
usually that triggers the behavior.
Usually its the male chacing the female, so tank sound like hes the male, and charlie (ette) sound like a female. see if the black moor has a wide, fat belly (looks like its bursting with food) then its likely a female filled with eggs.


Small Fish
Aug 1, 2009
Haa Charliette
I suppose the temperature was higher. My house is freezing cold in the winter and the temp in the tank is around 67'F and I was in my room all day (you know...playing the Sims 3 because I have no life. ALL DAY...). It was up to about 74'F that day and the behavior has stopped with the cold temperature back again. I wonder what will happen in the summer then. And no, Charlie isn't like a egg bubble-- he's actually a lean little fishy. Bah I can't figure out their genders I guess. But Newman you're always such a great help, thank you! :D


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
a slimmer goldie sounds like a male. so maybe both are males then, and are competing like king said?
just to modify what i said before about higher temps triggering breeding, goldfish tend to breed at around 20C. it might be true that higher temps stimulate the female to produce eggs constantly...
just some random info lol