A kit for cycling a tank


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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Not that I know of. But you are going to need a test kit that tests for pH, Ammonia, Nitrites, . . . will probably have a KH and/or GH test as well. A nitrate test would be nice as well. You are also going to need something to jump start the bacteria colony. Use water from another tank or the squeezings from another cycled tank's bio-filter. Or get some Bio-Spira . . . it works.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Nope, sorry...its not something that petstores advocate so no one makes a "kit".

If you're doing fishless cycle (I highly reccomend it) I would get:

an ammonia test kit
a nitrite test kit
a nitrate test kit
Some pure ammonia (check the grocery store...it has to be pure and not a cleaner with tons of stuff in the ingredients)

Thats all you need. The other stuff that revfred mentioned will help the cycle go faster, but technically you don't NEED it. If you have a friend with an established tank some water squeezed off of their filter cartridge...or just some tank water with the cartridge swished vigerously in (if its not a squishy type filter) would work. If any of your lfs' carry Bio-spira it is a valuable product...people have had their tanks cycle in as few as 5 days. Unfortunately you can't find it many places (I can't find it around here) Any of the other products that claim to be bacteria starters really haven't had many good results that I've seen.

Jun 19, 2003
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To get a higher amount of bacteria in my tank i had a used filter cartridge (hard to get i know) and i let my tank sit for a while with no fish, then did a fishless cycle, i had a nitrite count within 12 hours!