A Late hello to all!

May 15, 2006
Central Maine
Sorry I'm a bit late in getting to this, I didn't notice this part of the forum until just now.

I'm new at aquaria, and I already LOVE it. There's such a sense of satisfaction to replicating a little slice of nature in your home, and keeping those little critters healthy and happy.

I want to thank everyone who has helped me immeasurably already in reading my threads and answering my questions. I've learned SO much in the past week.

I'm looking forward to a long and prosperous relationship with the forum and all you guys. And I already can't wait for this winter when I start my BIG tank!

Thanks again and see you around the tank!


Jan 16, 2006
Superior, WI
Welcome to the big tank in the ether...

I'm interested in your username. Are you a fellow submariner? Although you can't tell by my avatar, I spent 12 years "swimming with the fishes" on submarines before joining the Army Guard.

May 15, 2006
Central Maine
No, Cable Guy, I'm not an actual Submariner. Never been in the service, actually. My name comes from the marvel comics character, Namor the Submariner. :)

Submarines ARE fascinating to me. I always wanted to start a model collection. I love the new Virginia Class. Which boat(s) did you serve on?