A little different


Medium Fish
Nov 12, 2002
New London, CT
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Something a little different

Hey everyone, 20yo newbie here from Connecticut. I have a 10gal aquarium housing a baby red-eared slider (aquatic turtle), a 2.5" blue gourami, and a 3" chinese algae eater. Soon upgrading to a 30gal breeder to expand fish selection - the blue gourami has decided that the tank is "his" and kills any new inhabitants. Oh, I also have a 2" gold gourami that is currently in a separate make-shift bowl recovering from wounds from the blue gourami. I'm gonna return him to petco shortly. Great forum you've got here!

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Medium Fish
Nov 12, 2002
New London, CT
Visit site
The best food for aquatic turtles is Reptomin's turtle pellets. They are a very balanced diet for pretty much any turtle. I suppliment with veggies occationally (carrots, lettuce, zuchini, etc). My RES loves fish, but they are actually not very healthy for turtles, so I keep it to one or two a week at most. Goldfish are especially very fatty, and if I feed more than one, her excretments become very oily and foul up the tank.

I have had the 33gal breeder up for about a month now, and my girl's new tankmates will be a g/f pair of gourami's and a small school (3 or 4) of upside-down catfish.