What's going on all I haven't been around here for awhile (June 16 2006 according to my friendly log in message) the job I was working had me on the road too much. In fact I actually gave my fish and tanks away since I wasn't able to take care of them. It's a little sad since the last time I was around here I had a new 110g I was all set to get going and with the moving I never even filled it with water.
Anyway I've since got a better job (or at least a job with no traveling) and I'm starting from scratch I've ordered a new 75g with a custom built stand that should be arriving this week. My plan was to fill it with some nice natural sand and stock it with multies but then I had this vision of people asking me why I was keeping an empty tank in my livingroom. Any ideas on what I could stock to jazz up the upper region of the tank? I'd prefer to keep a Tanganyikan theme going if that was possible.
Anyway I've since got a better job (or at least a job with no traveling) and I'm starting from scratch I've ordered a new 75g with a custom built stand that should be arriving this week. My plan was to fill it with some nice natural sand and stock it with multies but then I had this vision of people asking me why I was keeping an empty tank in my livingroom. Any ideas on what I could stock to jazz up the upper region of the tank? I'd prefer to keep a Tanganyikan theme going if that was possible.