A little new tank advice needed


Large Fish
Sep 15, 2004
Right under your boat...
What's going on all I haven't been around here for awhile (June 16 2006 according to my friendly log in message) the job I was working had me on the road too much. In fact I actually gave my fish and tanks away since I wasn't able to take care of them. It's a little sad since the last time I was around here I had a new 110g I was all set to get going and with the moving I never even filled it with water.

Anyway I've since got a better job (or at least a job with no traveling) and I'm starting from scratch I've ordered a new 75g with a custom built stand that should be arriving this week. My plan was to fill it with some nice natural sand and stock it with multies but then I had this vision of people asking me why I was keeping an empty tank in my livingroom. Any ideas on what I could stock to jazz up the upper region of the tank? I'd prefer to keep a Tanganyikan theme going if that was possible.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Non-Jumbo Cyps would fit in a 75, like Cyprichromis leptosoma utinta. They may well feed on the smaller fry, but the adults would be fine. These cyps are almost entirely top dwelling, males have a very nice color, while females are the standard brown 'boring' color.

Unless your hoping to have a 500+ colony of multies (which wouldn't be mighty cool in itself :)), you could also ponder the idea of a smaller rock dweller as well. But be fore warned, most of the popular picks like calvus and dwarf julies are very adept at fry hunting and will probably put a good dent in the multies fry population. (IME, calvus seem to be over rated as fry hunters and julies aren't given enough credit)

And welcome back :)


Large Fish
Sep 15, 2004
Right under your boat...
The large colony of multies was what I had in mind I knew they hung out on the bottom I just never got put any thought into what would hang on the top and since I don't know anything about African cichlids I was kind of at a loss. The cyps look nice and my lfs guy said he could get them for me anytime and then he spouted off a ton of latin which I assumed were other varieties of cyps. I was too confused at the time to ask for clarification so I just nodded and tried to remember what he said so I could look it up later. I did the same thing when I asked if he could get some multies in for me I was unaware how many varieties and strains there were but he named a dozen off the top of his head.

Thanks for the welcome back I really missed keeping fish but as soon as I laid down my money for the new tank I remembered the best forum around to head back to for advice. :)


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Just keep in mind that there are different types of cyps. Mainly, the jumbo and non-jumbo. In a tank as small as 75 gallons, you'd be better off sticking with the non-jumbo's as you can fit more in the tank, and obviously they'll be better than jumbo's even though some species of jumbo's you can fit at least a few to make a small school in a 75 gallon. With these it's important to research before you buy to make sure you can give the fish the best life possible. :)

Give Latin some time, lol it grows on you. It can take a while to get used to all the names, but the best advice I can offer on that count is to read as much as you can and eventually it will start to make a little since.


Large Fish
Sep 15, 2004
Right under your boat...
I had originally picked out a 180g but when my wife found out she made me downgrade to the 75g if the store hadn't called to confirm the delivery I would have gotten away with it. :(

I think she'll like the tank of multies and small cyps and if she likes it enough I might be able to sneak a larger tank in later on it after all it worked the last time.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
LMAO- the best laid plans of mice and men!

If she doesn't like the little multie fry popping their heads out from the shells, then I don't know what she would like haha. And I forget the recommended numbers for males to females for the cyps, but I think its somewhere in the range of 1 male to 2-3 females. The males will constantly harass the females, so that's why it's good to get more females so they don't constantly stress out a single one.