When I got into work this frosty morning, I discovered that the office had had a power outage from Saturday evening. My 20g shellie tank was back on power but the temp was still off the bottom of the thermometer scale (below 19C 66F), the fish were clearly struggling and some of the very small ones already dead.
It's now mid morning, 11:20, the temp is up to 22C 72F, and slowly but surely the fish are becoming more active. The synos seem fine, I still have the 4 cyp juveniles (just 1") but lost 2 of the 3 cyp fry (approx 0.5"). I have also lost 2 of my 13 multies, the 2 smallest by the look of it.
I resisted the temptation to help the heater raise the temp too quickly, do you think that was right?
I am also now expecting an outbreak of ich, should I wait for further signs or treat the tank immediately?
Could've been a lot worse I guess.
It's now mid morning, 11:20, the temp is up to 22C 72F, and slowly but surely the fish are becoming more active. The synos seem fine, I still have the 4 cyp juveniles (just 1") but lost 2 of the 3 cyp fry (approx 0.5"). I have also lost 2 of my 13 multies, the 2 smallest by the look of it.
I resisted the temptation to help the heater raise the temp too quickly, do you think that was right?
I am also now expecting an outbreak of ich, should I wait for further signs or treat the tank immediately?
Could've been a lot worse I guess.