A neon with a hump?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ehh.. does anyone know anything about that neon disease? I think maybe my little neon tet has got it. He/she has a hump, not a big one, but a sort of swelling in a way, right in front of his dorsal fin. It used to be as big as his eye, and now it seems smaller... Also, his colors faded a bit, and the hump-thing was a whitish goldish grayish sort of color. He had ich about 3 months ago, but survived... I put a typical fungal-ich-remedy thing in the water for a few days this week, and he seems better. The fish never lost his appetite or swam funny... he just had this bump. Anyone know what the heck that is?

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have had 3 cases of neon tetra disiese.

My symptoms were, a broken stipe, and twice, a reddish-brown tumor/swelling looking thing near the tail once, near the head another time.

The first thing these fish all did, was they moved away from the rest, and either hid or just stayed by themselves.

If you suspect neon disease, seperate the fish from the tank now. Even if it is a quick 2.5 gallon tank with just an airstone. Monitor the fish in there.

Your tank he is in may be fine if it is the Neon desiese, if you isolate him. If another fish gets it, you must tear down the tank and clean it.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
"caused by the sporozoan pistophora hypessobryconis;...attacks the body's primary muscle units.These are spherical cysts containing 16 to 32 spores.The spores are released when the pansporoblasts burst.Ameoboid nucleii hatch from them, developing into new sporoblasts, a process which leds to continual reinfection and spreading of the disease. Since the kidneys can be infected, the spores may leave the body with the urine, entering the intestinal tracts of healthy fish."