A New Begining


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I can't remember if I told ya'll that I had to take all of the live rock out of the tank to catch my Hippo Tang and my Fox Face. They devoured just about all of my zoas, not all but most. That left me with 2 M. Clowns, one Flame Angel, a Midas Blenny and 2 Fire Fish. Against my better judgement, I decided to leave the Flame Angel in the tank when I caught the other two fish. Well,,, the Flame Angel turned into a bully by going after the two Fire Fish if they even dared to come out from under their rock. I tore the tank apart again today and removed him from the tank and off to the LFS he went. Some guy bought him before the LFS owner even put the zip lock bag into a tank to acclimate the fish. I had a cleaner shrimp die three days ago and a Red Banned shrimp die last nite, these shrimps were at least 1 1/2 years old, so I am guessing that the Flame Angel did them in, don't know that for sure, but with the F. Angels new temperament, I think it would be a good guess. The good thing I have going is that the LFS is getting a new shipment of fish in tomorrow. What he has in the store right now that I know that I am going to get is, 1 Algae Blenny, 5 Blue Chromis not to sure about this fish, I have been told they die pretty easy , what do ya'll think, 3 spotted Cardnal fish. That's all that is in the store now. He is supposed to get several types of Fairy Wrasses in tomorrow, but you don't know what you get till the plane comes in. Anyway, we are pretty much starting over in the fish, zoa and shrimp departments. Fish were all that I was looking to get tomorrow, but since the wife gave me HER credit card, I will most likely throw in a frag or two of zoas.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I would bet that the demise of your zoas was probably the work of your flame angel also. Hippo tangs and foxfaces generally are reef safe and will pick at the rock but don't usually eat polyps, where as dwarf angels can and sometimes do hence why they are reef compatible with a huge question mark. Some do and some don't.

The fish list you have is a pretty docile bunch with the exception of the chromis. They can be aggressive as they are members of the damsel family. I have had them harass other fish and with your group being pretty docile (except the maroons) I would think they would have the run of the tank before long. You may have trouble adding the wrasses after the chromis.....i would seriously think of adding the wrasses BEFORE the chromis. Your call though.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The wife and I were watching TV while the we watched the Tang and Fox Face eat the Zoas :( I went an bought the new fish for the tank yesterday, except for the Wrasses, he didn't have them in the store. Lorna, I didn't see your advice on the Chromis and the Wrasses until this morning so that isn't going to happen as I already have the Chromis fish. It will be awhile before I get the Wrasses, I want about four of them and they are around $60.00 each plus shipping if I buy them on line. The LFS says he can order them for me, but I think I would rather trust Vivid or Liveaquaria on getting the fish I want, I trust them better than my LFS's vendor.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
oh well they will probably be fine as you have a large enought tank to accomodate both schools. I have seen my tang and foxface nibbling on the live rock but they never touched any polyps (unless the foxface was the culprit that ate all my sps polyps naked) At the time I blamed the bicolor blenny.