
Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
*crazysmil My planted tank has just finished cycling ( Ammonia 0.0, Nitrite 0.0, nitrate around 5.something) :D
yippie kay yay, Thank you for all myfishtank.net member *celebrate****************************celebrate
This is the BEST :D site for aquarium hobby....And now I will add my cardinals slowly...I got 8 cardinals in my QT, I think I will add three every week. I will post a photo of my tanks After I trim my sunset hygros, they look like a jungle after 2 weeks I left them alone.:)


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Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
Originally posted by luvfishies
I would add all the fish at once. You've just grown a nice big load of biobugs, why waste them? Also, by not keeping them fed with a good load of fish, you risk having some of them die off, causing pollution and a mini-cycle.

Adding 3 fish at a time is the same thing as a "fish-in" cycle.
Ic..I think I will add them all, but let's see if the three will do just fine in 2 or 3 days after that I will add the rest..thanks.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
Hmm...I started w/ fish-less cycle
and when I noticed that the ammonia I used contains surfactants( it wasn't bubbling when I shook it...grrr) so I change 75 % of the water three times every week!! grrr I can't change all the water cause I already put some plants and gravels in it so the ammonia still there around 2.0 ppm..So I decided to keep it simple..I went to my LFS..got a pair of long fin zebra danios, about three weeks or four weeks later...there is no ammonia detected (0.0), but quite high nitrite using
seachem multi test.I refunded my danios to my lfs before the refund expired hehehehe:D then I put some fish in it(3 odessa barbs and male betta)..I
know that's crazy(high nitrite and nitrate) but I put some Seachem prime to
detoxify the nitrate&nitrite, It was very high(Nitrite and nitrate were off
the chart, nitrate was 110ppm using hagen test) I use 3 doses of prime until
the nitrite was down to 0.2ppm every other day I check the nitrite not to
get more that 1.0ppm...I feed the fish 2 times a day.....after 2or3 weeks later nitrite was still high,
I put some more fish in it. (3 Green tiger barbs and a pair of blue rams and
I took out the male betta because of the tiger barbs) I know that's crazy
too ...A week later the tank was cycled and I haven't use any prime since that. and I
check today the nitrite is still (0.0) and nitrate was down very fast from
110 to 5.0ppm.

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