A New Convert, maybe LOL


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
A young guy at work found out I have a fish tank, and that he was thinking about starting a tank, and he asked me if I had any Bala Sharks in my tank. I told him that they wouldn't live in my tank, he asked me why and I told him I had a SW tank. He said that he always wanted a SW tank and that he didn't have any idea on how to start a tank and that he thought they cost alot of money. I told him that they do cost more than a FW tank, but that I thought he would like the SW tank better in the long run. He stopped by the house this afternoon after work and fell in love with my tank. He thought my tank was just the greatest thing, untill I went on line and showed him some really nice looking tanks. Anyway we will see what he decides to do, I gave him a good run down on reef tanks, FOWLR tanks, and a good idea on the cost involved. He kinda balked when I told him how much I have invested already, I laughed at him, your 23 years old, single, made 68 grand last year and have no bills. I am going to tell my LFS I want a discount if I get him to come into the store to buy a tank.