A new Coral


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
LFS got a new shipment lastnite, and I wasn't really wasn't planning on buying anything as I am going to be very pickey about the SPS corals that I buy for the tank. Don't know what it is called, ya'll can help me out with that. The owner of the store was really busy, when a coral shipment comes in around here, everyone comes to the store, so it was packed and I didn't get a chance to ask him what it is. There are two pics and it is the tall catcus looking thing. They had two other corals that I liked, but like I said I am going to be really pickey.



Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
It cost $20.00, I bought it because it was a nice looking green color. Thanks for telling me what it is, I will try and find a colony picture of one so I can see what it will turn into.