A New Tank Question


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
My LFS told me I could put my new tank on a lay away plan lol, meaning I can give him a few $$$ here and a few $$$ there until I have enough $$$ saved up to order the tank. He has a local company a few towns away that builds most all of his tanks that are over, say 100g, that is not to say he won't order tanks from companies like AGE if you want, he will. As this is the last tank that I will be allowed to buy lol I have a concern, I kinda figure I know the answer to this ???, but I am not going to assume anything here. My current 125g tank was build by this local company and I have had no issues with the tank and it appears to be build very good. Tanks build by this local company are alot cheaper than a, say AGE tank. Should I buy my tank from this local company or would it be best bought from a national company. The new tank will be 72 X 30 or 36 X 24. One more thing, for a tank this size, will I be able to use my 3 250w MH to have a full blown SPS tank or will I have to go with 400w.

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
whats the height on the new tank? if its 24 than u can go with the 250w's... also what type of reflectors do u have? id prefer to have it custom made expecially if its cheaper! one thing i would do if i was having it custom made is an external overflow ;) also i love the look of a rimless tank! (definitly need euro bracing on a 6' tank tho)


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
It will be 24 inches high. I don't know what kind of reflectors I have, they are Hamilton lights and the reflectors came from Hamilton with the lights, a package deal. I like the external overflow also. The tank with an internal overflow box will be $700.00 not sure with an external overflow, if they will even make it. This company makes, I want to use the word "stock tanks" for alot of fish stores in the Mississippi Alabama FL panhandle area, so I am not sure they will make an external OF box, but thats what I want. I am not sure about the rimless tank, I like the look, but with a canopy it might defeat the purpose. We are still along way from making any of those choices. I would like to have the lights mounted on some kind of pulley system, where I could just raise them with a push of a button, and then go with a rimless tank.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
sounds great! Just make sure of the financial soundness of both the lfs and the company that will be building the tank. No point paying in advance via lay away for something and have either the lfs or the manufacturer go under along with your cash. See the post on here regarding this very thing.... :)


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I made an error, the tank is not $700, it is, or was $900. The companys that makes the tanks was bought out by another company and my LFS dosn't have the new price list yet. The stand and canopy are extra but I will make my own stand, without a canopy.