A new world, but what lives there?

Jul 23, 2009
Hey, just torn down a tank and moved an old friend into a pond outside. Starting new and I'ce decided to go all out on it so nothing dies on this little tank. Its 30L (8gallon) with any range of filter and a ...8W/25 light im guessing? haha its just a light i spose i wouldn't have a clue what watt it is...

Ive been cycling it for a few weeks now with 3 filters ( -.-' ) and I'm set on having live plants, java moss and java ferns, not that my lfs actually knows what they are. They have 'bunch plants' for $5 and 'potted plants' being java moss $25. 'Ferns' are $5. (Just thought I'd state their great knowledge on the subject)

Anyways, Ive been tossing up on what to keep. Heres what ive concocted over the last week:

Plan 1-
1 SFF (betta)
3 - 5 neon teras

Plan 2-
6 neon tetras

Plan 3-
4 - 6 zebra danios (with/out the sff)


Plan 4 -
2 - 4 cories

Will display pics at end and as I set up.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Too small for danios' energy level.

If you want a theme you could do an Asian tank, with a betta and two or three harlequin rasboras, some fake bamboo in the background, a tiny piece of driftwood, java moss, java fern....

You are cycling the tank -- you're adding a source of ammonia and testing daily? Why three filters?

Jul 23, 2009
Two have sort of damaged bacteria farms, they were left to out for too long whilst i was removeing my old tank so Im hoping to keep them alive for maybe after this. I'd like the tank just to be, I suppose a little overworked becuase of the troubles I've had with recent tanks -> cycling. Also the rocks have had little dirt left on them adding to the ammonia rates richly :p


Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
I'd go for the betta and the cories myself, but I admit I think I've become addicted to them. They're so much fun to watch and theres so many different subspecies. If you could get pygmy cories, you might be able to get 6 in there along with a betta. Unfortunately I'm told they don't ship well and my LFS won't even try to get them in until spring :(

Jul 23, 2009
Ive set on getting a betta now because I can't stand to see them in those tiny little tanks its just horrible! It stirs me up so badly!
I would really like harlequins now that I have researched them. But the only problem is I'm not 100% sure my LFS has them. And I agree with you AndiH, my LFS does not do well on shipping. Last time I was their I remember seeing something along the lines of rosbarbs but I'm not sure. !XO!

Does anyone have any suggestions for tank mates?

Jul 23, 2009
Went to the lfs yesturday, an decieding on price I bought 6 neons and one purple crown tail. When i arrived this time they had no plants in stock but one rough little java fern. :( Thinking of adding 6 more neons as there is plenty of room and they dont bother the betta at all o.o?


Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
Neons will look nice in there with the betta. While I'm no betta expert, they are each so very different. I have the two and one hasnt liked anything with it at all (not even cories) while the other does great with the cories and is still tolerating the gouramis beyond the occasional flaring. Just keep an eye on them :)

What color substrate? I'm finding the sand I have in my 14g is washing out one of my gourami (least I think it may be), but I don't see much alternative for it.