A pin up girl for UB

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Since I do not want to get into the betta breeding world. I decided on making my Betta a friend. :D So I printed & cut out a little picture of a red female betta and taped it to the outisde of the tank. UB now rests next to his little lady and he just made her a cozy bubble nest next to the image. *twirlysmi If I put my face up to him while he is next to the pic, he flares his gills at me to defend his paper princess *ALL* But he loves me more & dumpes her whenever I shake his bio-gold bag or dangle a bloodworm ;)

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Awwwwww! That is so cute! :)
You know what else works? If your tank (this is a little tip i read, that i'm going to use for my tank, as it makes the tank look bigger too!), is against a wall, put a mirror (cut it, or whatever to the right size) and stick it against the back part of the tank, Voila! Your fish always have another 'fish' there, plus, like i said, it apparently makes your tank seem much bigger... ooh!

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Ub has a sparing partner, a little mirror that I show him somtimes. I don't want to over do it though only a few minutes once in a while. But his aquarium is also next to my closet that has mirror sliding doors. So he has lots of friends or should I say rivals, when I am away and want to give him some time alone with his lady I just open my closet and instant do not disturb (-:

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
I'm 30, female, USA although alot of people still think I just got out of high school. Two years ago I had trouble getting my shoulder tattoo of a little butterfly because the artists there didn't think I was over 18! I had to get my father to come in the shop and back me up. But besides that issue looking younger is a good thing (-:

LOL - I look older. Talking of tatoos, when my dad went and got one, i was looking around and the guy thought i was 18! he goes 'are you getting a tatoo?' - i really want one so i said yes, and my dad had to go 'OH NO - SHE'S 14!' before it was too late - damn! What's he got against his daughter having an underage tatoo anyway? :)


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
lol...i got an underage tattoo when i was 17.

it's an addiction.

(now has 5 tattoos.... tinkerbell on my right shoulder, comedy and tradgedy written in chinese on my left shoulder, a tribal dragon on my lower back, a tribal flower thing on my left ankle, and Georgia Tech's Fighting Yellow Jacket's mascot on my right ankle. that one was a dare....lol)

Wow- Jenn (Or Jneva :)) That sounds cool. I already know what i'm getting *teehee*, a ying-yang at the bottom of my back with blue wings coming out either side, a heart on my ankle.. and i haven't decided what to get on the back of my right shoulder yet, hmmm. LOL - Everyone thinks i'm crazy because i have a phobia of needles... but i'm enthusiastic about getting those done, and it's only really proper injections i hate, but then again - who does like them? :D