A question about hoods..

Mar 20, 2006
Hiya, I'm planning on setting up a 10 gal nano in the future, as I have an old 10just lying around and I've been dying to get into SW. I'm doing a lot of research but I don't really understand what people are saying about hoods for SW, that is, I've heard many conflicting reports. Some say that you shouldn't use glass tops, because the glass gets too cloudy, and standard hoods shouldn't be used either for the same reason. Is this true? I'm confused as to if I can use strip lights, or just the fixture etc. or a fixture or stip light if its on legs... basically I need some help and clarification on this whole matter. Thanks in advance for all your help!

Last edited:
Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Personally I do not like a "closed top" on tanks; reason being is you want to have the air moving freely over the surface water for oxygen/gas exchange and having a closed top will restrict this process.

If you must cover your tank then I would suggest "eggcrate" available at Home Depot in the lighting section.

Here is a link about some of this issue:


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I have a normal full hood on my 45g SW, and it works fine. If you want corals, you will need to upgrade the lighting anyways though, since hoods don't come with nearly enough light for corals.

Mar 20, 2006
Thanks, that link helped a lot, since I'm doing a 10 I imagine I need all the gas-exchange I can get. However, if I buy a light and use legs for it, does it come with a glass shield or something so water doesn't splash onto the lights? or is that not necesarry?


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Hi Obsidian,
Welcome to MFT :)
I have the 96watt coralife fixture up on the mounting legs on my 10gal nano. I didn't want to go with an open top, so I bought a piece of glass with a hinge as a hood.

Here are a couple observations: The mounting legs on the light don't allow you to lift up the hinge on the piece of glass, so getting access into the tank is a pain in the butt. I have to lift off the light everytime I need to open the top. Also the piece of glass needs to be cleaned almost everyday.
I might change my mind about having a cover and give the open top a try or get the eggcrate. The thing is the water tends to evaporate alot faster with open top.

Thanks, that link helped a lot, since I'm doing a 10 I imagine I need all the gas-exchange I can get. However, if I buy a light and use legs for it, does it come with a glass shield or something so water doesn't splash onto the lights? or is that not necesarry?
The light that I bought is enclosed with plexiglass so the bulbs aren't exposed. Here is a link to it: http://www.hellolights.com/201xcoaqpcho.html
Hope that helps :)

Mar 20, 2006
That did help:) I think I'm going to go with the open top, which should be Ok if the light has a shield. The legs are a good buy I imagine to help keep the light from heating up the aquarium? Thanks for the link, that seems to be about the cheapest you can find for that type of light. I think I'll pass on the glass top, I know if I had to take everything off every day to clean the glass I would end up not doing it, but the eggcrate is a good idea. My only question with that is if it casts some sort of shadow or something in the tank? I have to pick some up for the cichlid tank I'm doing right now (to help support the rocks) so I might grab a little extra in case I decide to cover the tank.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Yes, that light will be just fine with an open top. I believe several people on this board use the same light on their 10 gallons too.

The legs are a good buy I imagine to help keep the light from heating up the aquarium?
I would definitely recommend getting the legs. It does help to keep things cooler by lifting the light up a bit. The light itself can get pretty warm.

My only question with that is if it casts some sort of shadow or something in the tank?
I asked that same question :). I would assume not, or people probably wouldn't use it? Anyway, if you end up getting some let me know, and I might try it.

Mar 20, 2006
Will do:) I'm planning a trip to home depot tomorrow to pick some up, I won't have the 10 set up for a while, as I'm a little short on funds at the moment and I'm also focusing most of my energy on getting my mbuna tank set up, however I'll test it out to see if it casts any shadows etc. and let you know:)