A Refugium Question


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The refugium in my new sump won't be real big 15x17. I have seen them set up in peoples sumps two differant ways: one with a deep sand bed and macro algae the other is to have live rock and macro algae. The reason for the refugium for me is nitrate removal, so with the amount of space I have set aside for the refugium, what is best for me?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i wouldnt make a dsb in the fuge for the simple reason because it will be a real PITA to remove it later.... dsb's have a shelf life and once its up you have to replace it... if i was to go with a dsb only way id do it is a remote dsb in like a 5g bucket or something... if you put live rock in there just make sure theres enough flow to keep the detrius in the water colum and not settled all over the rock