a synspilum that lays eggs without a mate


Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
im a newbie to this site. i was however wondering if anyone could lend some advice about this fish i own.
I have a female synspilum that has layed eggs more than 8 times now, but i cannot find her a mate, is there anyfish that someone would recommend to have it bred with, or should i just keep on the look out for a male synspilum for another six months? lol she'd probably be less stressed if she had a batch of fry to keep her busy.
well, thanks to anyone who might be able to help!:)


Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
the problem is, i had another firehead that i bought with the one i own back in january, but it did not survive a power outing and the heater fried it somehow or another, that;s a real shame b/c it was a nice fish and probably the male too. Anyways, i bought this fish from the "local pet store", the owner that sold it to now doesn't recognize the fish & tries to tell me it is a firemouth (which it definantly is not) so there has been no such luck finding one there. then last time i went to kansas city i checked at petsmart, and go figure, they had them for $10, but sold out. I've been checking web sites for the past month and a half now and still no luck either, and even the information is sometimes hard to find. i wouldn't be so annoyed about not finding a male for her but she gets extremly pissy for about two weeks after she lays the eggs, it is almost funny sometimes, not so funny when she flashes of those fangs of hers. I would really like to have a male firehead though.


Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
will try to find one, and maybe ***someday*** i will (***sigh***) anxiety lol. i don't know what to do with that fish any more, she gets all evil sometimes, will jump over the 55gal. divider on the lid to escape the green net, had a heck of a time catching her at the pet store, it took two workers, lol so much personality. my lil brother nicknamed her free willy before we found out is was a she now its free willemina (you know that famous scene where free willy jumps over the rocks to his freedom) just a little reminder of an old movie. well thanks for the help anyways, as a frustrated teen owning a troblesome fish i can use all the help i can get. lol. bye