A word to the wise....


Small Fish
Jan 25, 2005
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My 2 baby clown loaches disappeared a few days ago. One turned up a couple days later and then went mia again. A week or so ago I noticed them hanging around a hole in one of my decorations (smallish hole to let water in so it doesn't float)

I took it out and rinsed the heck out of it in an attempt to flush them out and recovered one body.

Make sure your decorations "fish exploration proof...."

Yep. I have that problem with my silvertip shark. I actually have lots of rock caves in my tank but he always hides out inside a hole in one of my tank decos... I see him maybe once a week and each time he's way bigger than before. I keep hoping one day he'll outgrow the hole and start using the caves instead. Now that you commented on that I may take out that deco...