aahh, he's dying :(


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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So my 2+ y/o betta is dying (I got him at Petco and who knows how old he was at that time). Doesn’t look like he has any disease, just started to get a little lethargic a few days ago, then refused food today and is now ‘fighting’ lying on his side or going nose down in the gravel. I can’t see any physical anomalies. The water is testing aok. I had to evacuate a 10G tank to put him in by mixing 3+ inch rainbows and 1in rasboras in one small tank. My question is, does anyone know of an incidence where betta’s come back from this point or should I just put him out of my misery? On the other hand, what is gill flukes?? Thank you


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Kuoshio, sorry to hear about your sick betta. From the way you described it, it just looks like he has run his course and is ready for that big fish tank in the sky. 2 years is a fairly good age for a batta although some do live longer (and some a lot less), I have never had one for more than a year, I think there expected life span is only a year and a half or somthing.
I thinking if he is losing color and if his fins ar looking a bit shabby, he is just an "old man". The best thing you can do is make sure he lives out the rest of his days in as much peace as you can offer.
Sorry again.


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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no heater, never had one. but has been doing well for 2 years without one.
Actually he has been in a bowl, something that I have always felt bad about, but we socialize with him well and he seems happy. I kept him in a 10G tank the last 2 days and he has "come back" miraculously, but not 100%. Don't know if he is just getting old and fading away, or not. No change in color though. Unfortunately my rainbows are picking on my rasboras and I had to put him back in his bowl to separate the others. As I said, no noticeable physical anamolies. I would love to get him his own tank, but that would DEFINITELY add me to the MTS/MST (mult. small tank or Mult tank syndr?) club :) -tina


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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Yes- you will like the club once you are a member. Embrace the Syndrome. The reason I ask about the heater is that bettas are indigenous to SE Asia- washington room temperature may not cut it for the warmth he needs. Personally, I hate betta bowls for a lot of reasons. A big one is that they don't accomodate a heater. With bowls, I think it's important to think of them as being marketed for bettas, not made for bettas. If he's made it this far obviously you are caring for him well but in his old age, he may need a higher level of care. And I think you are right, it just sounds like he is aging- what I woudl consider doing is getting a small tank and a nice 50- watt heater. Measure the room temp and raise the tank temp a degree or two every few days. Think of old people- their homes are like a million degrees usually, right? they need more help staying warm. Of course this is totally up to you, it may or may not help, and I certainly (if I were you) would not feel as if I was providing inadequate care if I chose not to do this. But it seems like you are pretty attached to this guy, and this could be a way for you to keep him around in comfort for a little while longer if you wanted to.


Large Fish
Apr 14, 2004
Northern Michigan
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3 years is the usual life span of a betta so if you had him 2 years (the other year the time before you bought him, he likely died of old age. Being without a heater and stressful tank mates can shorten his life too. I'm sure some bettas live longer than 3 years too.


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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Thank you much for the help and advice, and of course there is nothing wrong with the MTS club :) I know me, I could easily end up with a few tanks in each room!!! I have a LFS that sells (previously loved) 10G set ups (everything except heater) for 19.00. I hold myself back several times a week!

Regarding my Betta, I put a few larger rainbows in the tank with him for about 15 minutes and POW! he came right to life, ready to kick a** and take names later. He seems to be doing a lot better since then, Just needed a little action...lol. I'm thinking about getting him a woman now. -tina


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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Sounds like you have a grumpy old man. I had one live to about five and I swear- sheer crankiness was what sustained him. He used to flare at the cat, having no idea that was a fight he would not win. Good thing he was in captivity. Maybe he's a little bored- maybe you could toss some Java ferns in with him- that might help.