About "Dragon Fish"...

These are the eel-like, greyish fish, around 6-8" long. You know, the ones with the largish, prehistoric looking heads?

They look really cool, but I haven't had good luck getting them to feed in the past. One vendor offered that they did well in brackish tanks, at the time I had a brack-tank, but despite offering raw meat, earthworms, feeders etc. I only saw it feed one time and this was a small nightcrawler. Like the dinosaurs it so resembled, it became extinct. After two, one in fresh water, I haven't owned another.

Saw some just yesterday for sale and just walked away. I've only just found this great forum and was hoping that someone with Dragon-Fish experience might be willing to share any feeding tricks.

These thing look like they would accept anything as food, including an unwary finger. I couldn't get mine to eat. Any ideas?



Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
They are a true brackish fish so need to be kept in brackish conditions. They are also filter feeders, and need to be fed small foods. Frozen brine work, shrimp pellets that rapidly dissolve also work really well.

Don't let their monstrous appearance fool you. They are not really predators and are pretty much to blind to catch anything that is remotely fast.