About me...


Small Fish
Jul 3, 2009
a town in PA
ok so i have been reading threads now on this site for about 3 hours.. and i decided to join so i could have some questions brought to the proverbial light... anywho... my name is bree.. if ya can't tell

i know coming into this i am about to be put to shame.. and i am prepared for it.. i will post a thread in the beginners link if you care to see why...

i am 21 and brand new to the fishy hobby...however my bestfriend is a proud owner of 2 beautiful 55g tanks.. i will post pics if you'd like.. they were my inspiration to start..i am at her house staring at the tanks all the time.. but i live in an efficiency appartment on the 2nd floor and i was sure that a tank that big was not a good idea.. especially since i'm not sure how the land lord will take my 10g


<3 bree


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Welcome, oh and second floor no problem. Its all in your head, i swear lol. No but for real read up do a search here for starts.

Your not the first one to be worried about all that water and weight in your second level. I worried the same years ago. So i did a bit of research, and around that time of interest in fish tanks i found this website. But anyways ive had two 45g tanks side by side before on a second story.