? about using heat and salt to cure ick

Nov 30, 2003
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in this article http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/ich.php under " What Kind of Salt" , it states to use "aquarium salt" and not marine salt. I have been using Instant Ocean, is this the same as "Aquarium Salt" I thought Instant Ocean WAS "aquarium salt" so confused :confused: Can someone clearify if Instant Ocean is appropiate or not?



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Did you try doing a search on this board about salt? We've had this discussion before...and I can't remember if Instant Ocean was the same or not. I know that the differences between aquarium salt and table salt is that one is ionized and the other is deionized...and that there aren't many applications that it really matters. Some aquarium places suggest only using aquarium salt...some say table salt is the same and suggest just using table salt. Someone will probably reply to this with a more finite answer...but I would say you should pick up some normal aquarium salt at your lfs (I think I paid a buck for a pound of it or something and I've hardly used any of it...but its good to have around)

Also...if you've been using Instant Ocean and your fish haven't died...then chances are good that its not too harmful. Afterall salt is salt.

ok...bracing myself for someone to tell me what I just said is completely wrong.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I have heard lots of people say that table salt is fine. I have also heard people use kosher salt, too. I have aquarium salt, which says it's made from evaporated seawater, so I am not sure how Instant Ocean differs. As far as I know "Aquarium Salt" is used for treating freshwater diseases and for those fish that like a little in their water. Instant Ocean is used to make saltwater for saltwater aquariums. I use the aquarium salt partly because I have some lying around, and partly because I figure that if the fish are sick, the last thing they need is something that is "probably" OK.

Nov 30, 2003
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Hmm, well I am a little stumped as to what to do. I think maybe just to be safe I'll run to the LFS and pick up some plain old aquarium salt and change about 25% of the water it's due anyway. Thanks for the input all

I have used non iodized aquarium salt per the advice of someone on this forum and have had great success. I recommend increasing the water temp if needed and using Morton non iodized table salt. It can be found at any grocery store. That is what I am doing right now to save some loaches with ich. It has worked before and hopefully it'll work again. Good luck if you decide to go that route.