AC mini filter motors, and UGF with plants

Apr 22, 2003
I have an AC Mini in my 10 gal, and I was wondering how long the motors usually last. I've never really kept one longer than two years or so. The motor in my last Mini just died one day. I just finished cleaning out the filter as usual, and after that the motor wouldn't start at all. Made a little noise and just died.

My current AC mini is about two years old too, and is starting to worry me. Its been quite noisy in the last few months, and stopped working today. But I checked the filter, cleaned it out, and thankfully it began working again. I've never had the filter just stop working all of a sudden like that.

How long do these filters usually last before needing to be totally replaced? Also, is there any way to make the motor work less noisily? The tank stands right next to my bed, and doesn't let me sleep when the filter gets too noisy.

Oh, as long as we're already talking about filters - I've been planning on getting a bigger tank perhaps later this year, and I've been thinking of getting a UGF. Really, its cause I find gravel vaccing a bit hard to do, and I only vaccum when the tank obviously needs it. Thing is, I also prefer planted tanks, which also makes vaccing rather challenging. Is it possible to keep a planted tank with a UGF? Or should I stick to a regular waterfall filter with a planted tank? Or umm, what other filters are good for a planted tank? Cause I heard that UGFs and roots don't mix.

Wow, sorry for the essay ;)

Jul 15, 2003
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There are 2 types of people when it comes to UGFs - those who love them and those who hate them. UGFs have fallen from fashion these days because of all the different, arguably better, types of filtration available. As I am sure you know, there are 3 types of filtration - biological, mechanical, and chemical. UGFs provide only biological. UGFs circulate water through the gravel, where healthy bacteria grow and break down the fish waste. However, they are not a substitute for vacuuming. I have been keeping fish for many years, and I use an UGF in conjunction with a HOB filter. I have never had any problems, so I have never tried anything different. I do weekly 25% water changes and I vacuum the gravel every 2 weeks. Most people will say that UGFs and live plants don't mix, but I have had success in aquariums with UGF that are lightly planted (like 5 or 6 live plants). I think it depends on what direction you want to take your planted aquarium. If you want to have an underwater jungle (which is what my molly tank is), then I suggest no UGF and a filter that provides minimal surface agitation. There are other people on this board who will be able to give you more specific advice.

Apr 22, 2003
Yea, if I were to get a UGF though, I figured I'd use it in conjunction with a regular filter, not solely depending on it. Though I was thinking of keeping the tank moderately planted, several plants, not jungle-like. But curiously, what kind of filter would be good for a heavily planted tank?

Jul 15, 2003
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I think it depends on the size of the tank in question. I am using an archaic corner filter (like the filter I used in the very first fish tank I ever owned) in my molly tank, but that's just because of the size. When I set up my 75 gal I will probably do something rash and get a cannister filter or wet/dry trickle filter that I don't understand how to operate. You can use HOBs, and it probably doesn't make that much of a difference, unless you have a show tank or something. The normal, average joe-fishkeeper can tell you that pretty much anything goes, but some options are more ideal than others.

I like HOB's way better than UGF's. I have experience w/ both and UGF's just don't seem to cut it. I use all aquaclears on my tanks which are all moderately - heavily planted. They work great. Vacuuming is only needed in planted tanks where there are no plants, so the heavier the planting, the less vacuuming you have to do. As w/ your aquaclear, my oldest is a 300 that's like 12 years old or something. It runs and sounds great. I had my mini quit running on me after a water change but it was still humming. The problem turned out to be that the propeller wasn't engaging w/ the motor. This has only happened on my mini and an easy fix is to just push the propeller down when you plug it in. To cut down on noise, I take my covers off of the filters. You don't need them and they just rattle.