Well ive got myself a AquaClear Mini power filter. Many people here have suggested, bragged, ect about how great these brand of filters are so i went out and got one a few months ago. Its been running and doing its job, hasnt proved to be anything great as of yet but its a decent filter.
Now my problem is this thing doesnt do a great job on mechanical filteration. Im using 2 foam blocks that go into that plastic basket. When i want to go clean the foam out after a few weeks i pull the basket out and a bunch of dead algae, plant matter and what ever else gets in there floats up after the basket and back into the tank.
So is there something im not doing right to not be catching all this debris? Any suggestions to improve my experience with this brand of filters is appreciated. Thanks.
Now my problem is this thing doesnt do a great job on mechanical filteration. Im using 2 foam blocks that go into that plastic basket. When i want to go clean the foam out after a few weeks i pull the basket out and a bunch of dead algae, plant matter and what ever else gets in there floats up after the basket and back into the tank.
So is there something im not doing right to not be catching all this debris? Any suggestions to improve my experience with this brand of filters is appreciated. Thanks.