ACA American Cichlid Association


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
Is anyone here a member of ACA? (besides me?)

They have a couple of private publications, they put on shows and auctions, they have speakers that travel to clubs for presentations and seminars, plus they grant money for cichlid research.

Currently they are trying spread fishkeeping knowledge to young people - school age kids. They have a number of magazine subscriptions that are being provided to interested schools.

If you know of a school that might enjoy learning about "the art and science" of fishkeeping, send me an email and I'll pass the information.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
America Cichlid Association

OK guys - sorry took so long to respond.
Was guessing that someone would jump in with the info...

There you can check out all the neat things the ACA is into. Research - education - preservation. There is information about the next annual conferences (Cinn) and about membership. Lot's of other great stuff, too.

And as for humor: - after the 2002 annual conference there was a silent auction hosted by a group of women from ACA. They call themselves the:
Babes In The Cichlid Hobby ;)

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