ACA Convention - Are these guys crazy or what!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
For anyone who has been accused of being a geek and a bore because they keep fish - here is evidence that we can be "wild and crazy guys!"

The October issue of Buntbarsche Bulletin (a publication from American Cichlid Association) contained a few interesting notes about the convention that was held in July. Evidently the Discus Study Group had an elaborate evident - with coolers full of beverages, fake palm trees and blow up furniture. Most of the furniture had been removed (of which the hotel was not notified) and plexi glass tanks covered 2 walls. Now the hotel knew in advance that there would be tanks in certain rooms but were totally unaware of this room. Anyway, it seems that during the Study Group, a rack of tanks fell over and shattered resulting in an inch of water in the room one floor down. The hotel thought a pipe broke and turned off the water. Then the hotel demanded that the fish sellers in 24 rooms to shut down and remove the tanks!
Funny, the article didn't mention anything about the Discus that would have been flopping around on the no-doubtedly orange shag carpet. Can you see this picture in your mind? Sort of like Animal House - except Bolushi yells "Fish Fight" and the discus take flight.

Wish I could have been there. Did anyone from MFT go to the show?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Heh funny you mentioned this.......Our own Fishboy was at the ACA 2003 in Cinnc Ohio.

He visited that room with the blow up trees, manikins, etc.....:D :D!!! We got pics to prove it!!! :D

Funny, the article didn't mention anything about the Discus that would have been flopping around on the no-doubtedly orange shag carpet.
I'm sure they didn't even let the discus hit the floor......thats how addicted these guys are. :)

Yeah those discus people really go crazy.....hopefully in a few years i will be apart of that crowd and apart of the ACA! :)

In fact let me dig up those pics

Fishboy at the 1304 (the crazy discus keepers room!) :D

Manager of the hotel and Discus Hans seeing the room :D

Photos are Fishboys ;) He posted them a while back.

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Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Hahaha! Amazed you doug those up C-man! :D

Yea, I was there. Really a fun group of folks to hang around with. Also lots of knowledgable people like joe,cary,hans, and willie to answer questions, and of course sell ya some fish ;) Either way it is really a fun room to be in.... you should really see some pics of the luao! Now those are funny! Anyway, i am hoping i can make it to Denver in 04, but i'm not really sure as of now.

I will try to dig up some more pics soon....

BTW if you didnt notice, the discus picture on the cover, was Francine's (one of the discus chicks ;) )


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
Poop! I really wanted to go to ACA - but didn't know anyone that was going and didn't want to go alone.

Did you say that the "cover" fish on the October edition of Buntbarsche Bulletin belongs to one of the B.I.T.C.H.s? (Babes In The Cichlid Hobby)