Accidental Sea Anemone, help!

Jan 9, 2005
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So a friend of mine with a well established SW tank had a pink tip, or haitan anemone in his tank along with some others. Unfortunetly his tank sprung a leak on day he was gone and he came back to no water, and a lot of dead fish and other various thing that did seem to survive was this pink tip anemone. So i've got this anemone in my cycling tank, that the pet store wouldn't take back for him (really long, stupid story). he had no where else to put it, and he really wasn't feeling starting up another tank right away because he'd was really blown by the disaster.

So that's some background, what do i do with this damn thing? i really like it, and i think i'd like to keep it. But from what i've read, anemones shouldn't be put into tanks that are not well established, and as we speak i only have around 4-5 watts per gallon and i'm told that should do alright, but i still dont know. I also know they're very touchy about bad water conditions, and in my cycling tank there's bound to be something in there that it doesn't like.

Any suggestions, anything i can do to try and save this anemone?

Jan 9, 2005
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oh and btw, my tank is approximately 1.5 weeks into cycling, i've got some live rock in there (approx. 5.5 pounds) in a 10 gallon tank. I've also got some substrate from a well established tank (my bio teacher) approximately 2 cups or so. I dont have a test kit to test how far along into the cycle (i know i should)

Jan 9, 2005
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I have no idea if there even is a local reef club around here, i'm in Nova Scotia and there isn't much of a fish following. My bio teacher is actually a really good idea, but i wont see him til monday (tommorow) and it's already showing signs of not doing well at all... when i first introduced it, it dug itself into the sand....but now it's tipped itself over, and you can see like half of it's foot. I assume that's a bad thing, anyone know how long it has to live?

Jan 9, 2005
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To my complete disbelief, the local lfs said they'd buy it off me. I said i'd sell it for very cheap, like 10 bucks and they agreed. I dont like to scam places, but i told them what happened and they said they'd see if they could get it to rehabilitate.

So, sadly we will most likely never hear of how the anemone faired. Alternatively, i got 10 bucks for a very stressed anemone.