accidently bred jewels, need info

Feb 27, 2005
central illinois
as the title says i came home one day to about 300 swimming fry. ( i thought i had two females, duh...) they are about a month old now, doing great but i have two questions.
how old til the get some real color?
how old do they have to be to breed?
im getting worried because i have a couple that are alot smaller. dont know if they're "runts" or the fry may have been fooling around. i breed guppies and i know how young they can breed. how about jewels?
need answers asap please, cant find them anywhere on the web.
thanks guys! *laughingc


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Congrats on the fry!

I would ballpark it and say that around 4-6 months of age before they start to show color. Mabey a little less than a year for them to mature enough to breed? I'm really not sure on either. But a month is too young for them to be breeding on their own.

I've found that its normal to have some runts in the bunch. Especialy with such a large brood. This is where culling comes into play if you want to, or just let nature take its course.

Feb 27, 2005
central illinois
thanks so much. having bred guppies, i was alittle scared, they breed so easily and so young, i was a fraid i may have a never ending breeding ground in my home. im hoping to be able to sell them to a distributor in chicago, im working with my lfs. they are too young to sex, so separating them m/f would be impossible for quitte a while.
thanks, you eased my mind.