Acqua Chiara 915 & Eheim 2026??


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
Has anyone seen these Acqua Chiara 915 canister filters?
They say they are sold all over Europe under this name and are packaged under the Eheim name when sold in the United States. They use the same parts and appear to be very similar. The cost is around $85 vs the best deal on an Eheim 2026 currently at Big Al's for $169. *GOLDFISH**GOLDFISH*


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
A couple of things.

First, Eheim is a German company, and its products are sold under the Eheim brand all over the world. A knockoff is a knockoff ... don't expect the same quality or customer care (or parts availability).

A Google search for Acqua Chiara only comes up with one filter (on eBay). The packaging on the box in the auction are obviously PhotoShopped.

If you don't mind spending $85 on a filter that may or may not work, and may or may not last a couple of years, go for it.

If you are shopping for Eheims, be careful to note exactly what you're getting for your money either online or in a store. Some packages come with just the filter, some come with media. The media is pretty expensive on its own.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I may be wrong but I believe those are sold as pond filters, I did do a google search as well and same results, I agree with Lotus (who knows way more about this stuff than I do) but I have seen many companies market products under different names..look at marineland and tetra both have the same parent company from what I can find on the always trustworthy internet ;).. It happens with every other product out there why wouldnt filters be the same way? I mean craftsman air tools are Ingersoll rand, craftsman electric power tools by black and decker, Campbells soup make many of the "store brands"..MAC and stanley are the same, just a different name stamped on them,I'm not disagreeing with Lotus but why is it impossible that it is an Ehiem marketed under another name?

TMony I know you have checked out 4petsdirect..they definately have the best prices of anyone I could find..even their shipping is cheaper than most ebay stores..the shipping for my 2 filters was $33

EDIT: I went and did some more searches acquachiara915 canister filters..I came up with a few morre results but they are all in languages I can not read.. oh and attempting to access those sites triggers my anti virus software.

Ok one more edit...I found this forum..saying that eheim does make another named filter in china, this is an Indian forum (from India) Forums » Post 91376 » Is Eheim available in Chennai ?

heres another from petsmart notice the made in china under the description...a google search of eheim filters brings up alot of post about them being made in china due to lower production costs..I guess it's not only american companies that want to save production costs..

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Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
Got my new 2026 from Big Al's last night. *twirlysmi Can't wait to get it up and running. Came with all the extras including the optional spray bar upgrade and all media. Sweet deal for only $168 during their black Friday sale. When I have some extra "dough" I will get one of the acqua chiara filters and see how they compare. *thumbsup2 or *thumbsdow