AD Frog


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
Near My Coffee!
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I have a 10 gal with 4 neon Tetras and 2 Black phantom Tetras. The Bala Shark is now in a 20 gal as he grew to 2 1/2 inches and started to be a bully. I have read that ADF do well with Tetras and I have read they do not. Any input would be appreciated. I plan to purchase one today as I had an ADF years ago and it did fine with Tetras as long as he was fed on a regular schedule. I just don't want him to eat the little guys like the Betta did.

Waldo the Betta is doing great in his 5 gal Hex. He is king!


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
bala sharks prefer to be in groups and grow much too large for a 20gallon bro. i would find someone to take him before he outgrows your tank....

ADF are generally ok for most fish that they cant consume.

if you really want to do something cool, put a regular african clawed frog into the 20 gallon alone (if you get rid of your bala shark) a good food source for most amphibians- amphiumas, salamanders, etc. are just plain nightcrawlers! take a coat hanger, extend it all the way out, put on an earthworm, and dangle it in front of one of these guys..... the result is quite entertaining.

i have raised all manner of amphibians on 90-100%nightcrawlers and have found nothing that puts body weight on them to the same degree.


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2003
Washington State
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As you can see in my sig. I have 2 adf's and have never had a problem with them and the tetras, they get along very well. I never have had a problem with my bala shark bullying any other fish either as he is about 2.5inches long too. But the only fish in there that he could bully is the tiger barbs, the clown loach,(the other clown just died today R.I.P.) or the green cory which is about 2 inches long, but he doesn't bother any of them. I don't know what happened to my clown loach, just got sick I guess. I noticed that he started getting lazy as the other clown loach is very active and started laying on his side and eventually died. I don't have a qt, so I was just hoping he would snap out of it.


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2003
Washington State
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I will be getting rid of the bala shark and the clown loach, hopefully the lfs will take them. I didn't know how big they got until after I bought them(stupid me didn't ask). After I get rid of them I am taking the pepper cory out of the other tank and putting him in with the tigers and the other cory and adding one more tiger barb. Any thoughts?


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
Near My Coffee!
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Well I have an ADF now. He is about 1/2 inch long and so funny! He is swimming all over the tank. The stupid store could not tell me what he would eat. They gave me pellets for aquatic frogs but he doesn't seem to like them. What does anyone feed the little guy? The Tetras eat flakes and he doesn't seem interested in them either.

As for the Bala, he and the Oscars are doing fine. Shocked me!


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I have had the same four for over a year and a half now and they absolutly love to eat bloodworms. They cant get enough of the suckers. The only thing to watch for is making sure the little frogs are getting enough food that the fish are not stealing it before the ADF's get a chance to eat it. To help solve this problem I use a turkey baster to squirt some thawed bloodworms right in front of the frogs. Works very well.