ADA Tanks Vs... Everyone Else


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
So I'm looking at small nano tanks to play around with...

Then I saw ADA's Cube Garden... amazing tank... but seems overly expensive if you ask me... for what... no silicon showing... and a little clearer glass?

I dont see those things really as an issue... though i havnt seen an ADA tank up close either

Dont get me wrong, im not bashing it just ... confused as to why so many people love it... Whats the real difference with just going to another cube or say a fluval ebi/flora (if you take out the background)...

Is it worth the extra money?


The Big Fish
The Big Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sunny Southern California
i believe it's the quality of the glass..the clarity. the fluval are good tanks but doesn't compare to ADA. but if price is a big issue, then the fluval or other generics are fine.

example...starphire glass tanks are popular b/c of the extra clarity and quality. it's almost like there's no glass in between your eyes and the tank if it's kept clean. you can see the difference but it's up to you whether or not that benefit is worth the extra cost. :)


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
I guess I dont see what all the fuss is about... but thats also probably due to the fact that I have never seen one of these in person.. maybe that would change my mind~