Adding a new fish to the tank


Small Fish
Jan 3, 2011
New Jersey
so i have an oscar and a plecco so far in my tank and i was wondering if my oscar will bother a new fish if i got it. i really want to get a raphael spotted catfish. will they get along and any1 have good info on these catfish? i love the way they look and i am hoping my oscar wont bother them. as of right now my oscar is only about 3-4" long


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
how big is your tank?
wha kind of pleco?

you always run the risk of your oscar picking on him, it depends on your fish. oscars are a big fish with a big personality.

if your tank is smaller than a 75g id say no.
and get rid of the pleco if its just a common, itll poop more than it eats


Superstar Fish
Normally Oscars and catfish types get along. Oscars are cichlids so its not a guarantee though. Those regular (common, also called a sail fin) plecos need a huge tank, 125 G minimum as the can get to around 18 inches long. Also if you are going to put fish in there you need to do it soon before your Oscar decides the tank is his and his ONLY.


Small Fish
Jan 3, 2011
New Jersey
right now they r in a 29gal tank. i know they both need bigger tanks and yes it is just a common plecco. there are no great pet stores by me that sell fancy pleccos, only 1 store i can think of that is about 30 mins away which i do not have the time to go to. but the tag in the store for the catfish i liked said raphael cat fish, but on youtube i typed in raphael catfish and those were all black with white dots.. the ones i saw in the store were all white with black dots.? different fish? wrong tag? idk


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Here's the Pictus' general information:

Pictus are labeled as semi-aggressive (on most websites). I have not had experience with these fish, although they are extremely cute and fun to watch. I saw a group of three swimming around the filter output. I've also found that the information from this website tends to be true and very helpful. Hope this helps!! *thumbsups

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