adding a shrimp or 2?

Nov 5, 2009
i was thinking of adding a cherry shrimp or two to my tank but i want to make sure it will work first. i know the tetras shouldn't bother the shrimp but will the mollies? one is about an inch long and the other is about 2 inches. also the tank is not planted. would the shrimp be able to find enough food without a live plant in there?

or maybe snails would be better?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
You really need to concider live plants for cherry shrimp... theyll hide effectively in a bush of plants or any floating ones.

I keep some cherries in a tank with a 3" swordtail and a 4" goldfish and they havent been eaten. Then again the tank i keep those in is the one in my sig...

Try amano shrimp w/o live plants. though all shrimp kinda want live plants...