adding new fish, over stocked or safe?


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
the tank in my sig the 30 gal would it be ok to add at least 3-4 mollies?2 cana snails ,3 danios and dang i forgot the name of the other fish i would'nt mind having :\ it gets like 1-2 inches long i think.

<.< i do w/c's every 3-5 days some weeks w/cs are put off for a day or two,the w/cs consist of 35% and 15% bigger water changes only before the skip a day before w/c week.

and my pleco does'nt look like a common or at least to me he does'nt.i know their was 4 clown plecos in their with him when i got him all a little bigger then him.


Medium Fish
Jan 10, 2007
I'm not sure but if you add the lengths of all the fish up in inches, say you have 25 all up, you would be allowed 5 more inches since you have a 30 gallon tank (1 inch of fish per gallon).

Or at least that is what I heard has anyone got any other ideas of how many fish are allowed in a tank I myself would liek to know how many more i can put in my 35g.

Cas :D


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I think you'd be fine adding the friends for your danio and the snails (not sure if 2 snails of that type will breed, or if that's one of the fun snails that doesn't need a partner to breed), but you don't really have room for mollies too.


Large Fish
Nov 14, 2006
Fishers, IN
When you say your tank is divided for your bettas, how much is divided b/c that would take away from your 30G. It's safe to assume if your pleco isn't a common it will still get between 4-5 inches, you should post a pick up so one of us can identify it for you.
What are your plans with all the guppy fry? They will just keep producing and eventually OVERpopulate your tank.
With the guppies alone you are at 25".
Your danio really does need friends, but you are already working up to being overstocked so I would be careful with what you ad. Maybe you could switch some guppies to your 10G - not sure why you have feeder minnows anyway :confused:
I would hold off for now, until you have a plan for all these guppies!


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
well most of my guppy fry were um eaten,i just haven't updated my sig my bettas both take care of guppy fry as well as my danio and platy so i have no worries about that,also it is divided but fish sneak in it because of a hole so i still have a full 30 gallon tank only fish that can't fit through the hole is my bettas and male platy.

theirs no way i can get a pic of my pleco,i hate not having a digital camera. >.<

also i'm thinking of dividing off another part of my 30 gal for my other betta cole and i have feeder minnows cause when i got my betta i though she needed friends in her 1 gal bowl,turned i've learned allot since then but i've kept my four minnows cause they are cute little buggers but they don't tollerate any other types of fish now for some reason.

also this year my parents and i are moving and i'm saving my money for a 55 gallon tank.

and how did you get 25" out of just guppies ?

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Medium Fish
Jan 10, 2007
i still dont understand how all thefish can go back and forth but the bettas can't. if there is room for the fish to back anf forth why can't the bettas? (I mean like not that they should but how is it possible?)

Cas :D


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
Some how they sneak beside the divider the hole is like 1 centimeter,also they squeeze through the glass and the divider which is creepy.I still don't get how they do it myself.The bettas just ignore the hole and carry on with their lives on their sides.