Adding New Fish


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My 75 gal. tank just cycled and now I'm wanting to add more fish. I read that 3" of fish per 10 gal. is the max that can be added at once. Is this true and how long between adding fish do you need to wait.

Thanks To ALL !!!!



The "rule of thumb" is just that, a rule of thumb. Read in the articles section concerning how many fishes and I hope that helps. However, if you dont want to get too technical, the usual rule of thumb actually is 1" per 1G.

About time between adding fish. Well, that also depends if you used fishless cycling or not. If not, I would say around 4 weeks and only 4-5 fish at a time.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
i read once that a five inch fish can produce as much waste as 125 one inch fish.i don't know how much stock you can put in that,but i know my 5 inch pleco produce ammonia when they excret or when they pass water over their gills(which is allways) so a large fish can produce more ammonia just by breating.some thing to keep in mind.also once some one pointed out to me that filtration is pointless unless you have enough media to hold the bacteria,for instance i find that most hob filters and the cartriges that come with them just aren't enough and rely on turn over vs total filtration by bacteria.