Originally posted by cadams
I have Tiger Barbs so if anything I'd want to drop the pH a bit and not raise it.
rocks that contain calcite (such as limestone) would raise your ph if anything, not drop it.
however, i have not found that so-called "buffering" type substrates actually have much of an effect at all on water chemistry, particulary if your kh is relatively high to begin with.
i have used several types of limestone in my tanks with no noticable increase in ph or kh at all. i would go for it if the rocks fit your fancy.
i never use bleach on rocks that i use in tanks. if you ask most people what they are trying to kill the usual answer is "nasties" that may be present in the rocks. boiling them isnt a bad idea though..... i would be more worried about dangerous chemicals (such as you would find on rocks collected near a gas station or the highway) than any manner of little critters that might infest your tank.