Adequate tank size

Dec 1, 2012
What size tank would be adequate to house the following:

2 jewel cichlid

2 Rusty cichlid (still young At The Moment)

2 convict cichlid

1 Kenyi

1 albino pleco

1 Red tail black shark

8 bleeding heart tetras

2 tiger barbs

2 striped barb

1 albino barb

2 corydoras

1 rosy barb

(possibly two red chromide cichlid) not sure because they are small and when i didnt feed the jewel cichlid for a day they killed the first pair

(I am thinking about getting getting 2-4 more rosy barbs today so there is a school to even out aggression because at first the albino got picked on by the larger tiger barb because he was easy to distingiush - I believe he didn't pick on the tetras because he would lose his chase in the school. so the idea is to do the same for the lighter color barbs.

None of these fish are fully grown yet except the jewels, and i want to get something that will be a good size tank for when everyone is full size..


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I disagree. I feel a 90g tank would be more suitable. Jewel Cichlids can get nasty. If he has a male female pair of Convicts, if they breed in a 240 liter, it will become a war ground and fish will die. I think a 90g would suit him better.


Superstar Fish
You should not have community fish with cichlids. Less the community fish a 75-90G would be about right. Some might say minimum 50G if you have a ton of hiding spots but I feel a minimum of 75G would work for sure as long as there is not any of them mating as they get real nasty with others at this point.